

left borderTHE FIVE ELEMENTSright border

The Hung Gar system incorporates the five elements of Chinese Medicine – fire, earth, metal, water and wood. Each element has a particular characteristic of defense and attack, which has been included within the Hung Gar system. Many other Chinese martial arts styles incorporate these into their systems in a very similar way.

 In order to appreciate and understand the elements specifically within the Hung Gar system, it is important first to broadly consider a basic observation and description of them in the context of their characteristics, and how this observation may help condition or prepare the martial artist in developing fighting skills.

The origins and development of the Chinese culture stem from the agrarian community in which the five elements of nature have been critical to the development of the Chinese arts, beliefs and medicine.

To explain the Five Elements further I have put together a PDF document which you can access by clicking on the diagram, or see below.


Click on the above diagram or click here for the document [PDF format] explaining the Five Elements

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